At the PPS Hyundai website, we do our best to keep all prices and information accurate and updated. However, for any mistakes or a pricing error due to typographic mistakes or incorrect details, PPS Hyundai is responsible for correcting them as soon as possible and informing you of the right price. However, the final pricing is always confirmed at the PPS Hyundai dealership.
The images and descriptions of vehicles on the website come from manufacturers and may not always match the actual car. Some features, colours, and specifications may vary. In such a case, PPS Hyundai will not be responsible for any errors related to pricing, product details, or availability. Prices and stocks can be changed without notice.
If any vehicle is listed at an incorrect price due to photographic, typographic or any technical error, PPS Hyundai reserves the right to cancel or refuse any order placed at the incorrect price. All prices and promotions exclude taxes, title, registration, and licensing fees. If you are from another state, you are responsible for taxes and registration in your state.
Manufacturer incentives and discounts are included in our pricing unless stated otherwise. Please be aware that offers and listings can be updated without warning, so we encourage you to confirm specifics directly with the dealership. PPS Hyundai values honesty and precision, and we thank you for your understanding.